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Issue 571
July 10
84% of HCP telemedicine users are weekly+
Source: Doximity

Doximity has a new report out about telemedicine users in the US.

Significant Research

The company used actual telemedicine billings with it's own data matched by NPI. To this they added a survey of 1.200 US telemedicine-using physicians across nine specialties and a survey of 2,400 adult patients across the U.S., half with a chronic illness.

Usage Skews High

Telemedicine seems to be incorporated into many physicians' practices. Of those using the technology, daily and weekly were by far the most common frequencies reported.

Chart created from data in Doximity report

It is likely a common tactic for HCPs is to have "telemedicine days" on a weekly basis to attend patients.

Video Dominates Telemedicine

Like Zoom in the office, video is the dominant form of telemedicine, though audio was popular as well. Video allows patients and physicians to connect more effectively and to "show" as well as "tell."

Image adapted for email from Doximity source

When patients were asked how they engage in these telemedicine visits, unsurprisingly the smartphone was dominant.

Image adapted for email from Doximity source

Since only 20% of patients highlighted a traditional phone for their visits, "Wi-Fi or Internet" is likely underreported by patients who use their devices but don't really know how they connect.

Patients Love Telemedicine

Patients were asked how telemedicine affected their satisfaction with their care. 88% said it increased or stayed the same.

Chart created from data in Doximity report
Improved Adherence

Perhaps the most important finding in the Doximity report is that of patients adherence to treatment. With the easier, more accessible telemedicine options, 77% of surveyed physicians said they saw increased or same adherence from their patients. 

Image adapted for email from Doximity source

Importantly, of the remaining 23%, 21% were simply unclear on the adherence of their patients. Only 2% said they saw decreased adherence.

There are many more findings in the 30-page Doximity report that are made more valuable by the scale of the research conducted.

Read the full story from Doximity
AI in Healthcare
ChatGPT top medical AI source according to HCPs
Source: Tebra

Tebra surveyed 1,000 Americans and 500 HCPs about their thoughts on generative AI and health topics. The company also compared the answers of the three top public AI tools to five questions and had the HCPs rank the answers. 

HCPs Use AI for Many Tasks

HCPs say they will be using AI in the future for many tasks, not just information lookup.

Image adapted for email from Tebra source
Benefits & Drawbacks of AI

HCPs say most of AIs benefits come in the form of saved time and the drawbacks are limitations in the accuracy and abilities of AI.

Image adapted for email from Tebra source
Americans Moderately Comfortable with Medical AI

The largest number of Americans said they were "moderately" comfortable with AI in healthcare, but the chart definitely skews negative. 

Image adapted for email from Tebra source
ChatGPT Creates the Best Answers

When HCPs judged the medical answers of three AI language models: OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Bard, and Microsoft's Bing AI, they liked ChatGPT most of the time but Bard gave it a run for its money. 

Image adapted for email from Tebra source

This report is a little old, it was released at the end of April (yes, we missed it at the time -Ed.). It will be interesting to see if ChatGPT can maintain its lead in answer quality.

Read the full story from Tebra
Social Media
Threads grows 70M users in first week
Source: TechCrunch

Talk about a fast-moving story. Last week Meta launched Threads, it's Twitter competitor, and uptake has been dramatic. The app is based on Instagram credentials so any of those users can just log in without creating a whole new account. 

Here are a sequence of Threads from Mark Zuckerberg during last week that shows the growth. Note the date stamps taken on Saturday evening. Don't be fooled by the first one, the app was launched on July 6 so "2 days" is as far back as it really goes.

Threads from Zuckerberg account

30 million after one day and 70 million after two, in the morning. We are normally very skeptical of new social platforms because of the headwinds they face getting a critical mass of users. By basing this app on Instagram, Meta is way ahead.

As of now there is no advertising on the platform, but seriously, this is Meta we're talking about. Brands know they will have options eventually. Here is a random selection of brands big and small the author found on day one of using the app.

Accounts compiled from Threads app

Perhaps one of the most interesting elements of Threads is the promise that it will support ActivityHub, a protocol used to post on decentralized networks like Mastodon. The support is not there in the initial launch but the technology holds the promise of cross-platform identity and that sounds like a very Meta-verse thing.

Read the full story from TechCrunch
Feeding the Future of Healthcare

“Food Is medicine” isn’t just a phrase, it’s a paradigm shift. In this exclusive POV, btwelve has put together five specific strategies for health and wellness marketers seeking to make an impact in the Food Is Medicine space.

Download POV
HCP Omnichannel
98% of HCPs want post-congress information
Source: EPG Health

This content is sales materials through-and-through (don't worry, we don't take sponsorships -Ed.) but it's chock full of stats about HCPs. 

The infographic creates a compelling story for social-based content aimed at HCPs.


98% want information about a congress post-event


81% have high demand for takeaways


76% have high demand for expert opinion


63% have high demand for "bite-sized" content


27% want long form content


The information isn't very surprising, but good reminder for HCP marketers that post-congress is a prime opportunity for KOL or reactive content.

Read the full story from EPG Health
FTC to need more disclosures from creators
Source: FTC

The FTC is taking what amounts to an ISI approach to sponsorship disclosures for influencers. No longer can #ad or #spon be included in a row of hashtags at the bottom of post copy, now it must be presented at the same time.

The updates are wide-ranging and we have highlighted the areas we think might be of special concern to pharma marketers.


1) articulating a new principle regarding procuring, suppressing, boosting, organizing, publishing, upvoting, downvoting, or editing consumer reviews so as to distort what consumers think of a product


2) addressing incentivized reviews, reviews by employees, and fake negative reviews of a competitor


3) adding a definition of “clear and conspicuous” and saying that a platform’s built-in disclosure tool might not be an adequate disclosure


4) changing the definition of “endorsements” to clarify the extent to which it includes fake reviews, virtual influencers, and tags in social media


5) better explaining the potential liability of advertisers, endorsers, and intermediaries


6) highlighting that child-directed advertising is of special concern


A side note, it is particularly entertaining to read the gloss of comments the FTC received included in Section II Review of Comments on Proposed Revisions to the Guides and Additional Changes to Proposed Guides Published in July 2022 (your definition of "entertaining" needs review -Ed.).

The FTC Holds Everyone Accountable

Every party in a paid endorsement is being held accountable by the FTC so all parties must pay attention to the end product. 

Advertising agencies, public relations firms, review brokers, reputation management companies, and other similar intermediaries may be liable for their roles in creating or disseminating endorsements containing representations that they know or should know are deceptive.

Documents Contain Many Healthcare Examples

The guidance from the FTC includes examples, many of which are relevant to pharma marketers. Use these quotes to find the examples if you're diving into the 84-page FTC document (don't talk to the audience -Ed.).


A dermatologist is a paid advisor to a pharmaceutical company and is asked by the company to post about its products on their professional social media account


A medical doctor states in an advertisement for a drug that the product will safely allow consumers to lower their cholesterol by 50 points


A drug company commissions research on its product by an outside organization


A skin care products advertiser hires an influencer to promote its products on the influencer’s social media account


An advertisement for a cholesterol-lowering product features individuals who claim that their serum cholesterol went down by 120 points and 130 points, respectively

Click on More... Is Not Adequate

For any marketers familiar with the 14 SEM letters sent by the FDA in 2009 the following will resonate. Providing disclosure that a social post is sponsored under a "More..." link is not adequate according to the FDA.

The Commission is clarifying the example by stating that, if the endorsement is visible without having to click on the link labeled “more,” but the disclosure is not visible without the viewer doing so, then the disclosure is not unavoidable and thus is not clear and conspicuous.


This is the key, the disclosure must be "clear and conspicuous." Marketers using influencers need to review their programs to ensure that disclosures are front and center. 

Read the full story from FTC
Generative AI
AI terms to know
Source: TechTarget

Everyone is talking about AI... but you don't want to just talk about it, you want to understand it (don't talk to the audience -Ed.). The first step to get there is to use / Google the correct terms.

This document is 50 AI terms with easy-to-read descriptions. Here are five that the author particularly liked.


Constitutional AI. Constitutional AI trains AI systems to align with a set of values or principles as defined in a constitution. This approach was developed by AI startup Anthropic.


Embodied agents. Embodied agents, also referred to as embodied AI, are AI agents with a physical body that perform specific tasks in the physical environment.


Emergence. Emergence describes capabilities that arise in AI systems unpredictably as they become more complex. A system's emergent properties are not observable in its individual parts.


Fréchet inception distance (FID). FID is a metric for evaluating the quality of images created by generative AI.


Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). RLHF trains models directly from human feedback, as opposed to from a coded reward stimulus. Humans may score a chatbot's output and feed those scores back into the model.


Read the full story from TechTarget
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Market Research
GenX more liberal with their data?
Source: Marigold

Marigold first put out their market research data on US consumer trends back in February, we covered it then

They have now released a cut of that data specific to GenX. If your patients are between 57 and 43 years old then this data may be of use. We compared two charts from our previous story with the new GenX-specific data.

More Engagement

GenX continues to like email for ecommerce, but the generation is above average across the board when it comes to digital channels. When asked if they had purchased from a channel, they said:

Chart created from data in two Marigold reports
More Data

To get the personalization they crave (97% will trade personal data for discounts) GenX are more likely than the average to share all forms of data.

Image adapted for email from Marigold source

At 42 pages (many GenX readers will know that as the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything) this document is a worthwhile download for marketers interested in GenX.

Read the full story from Marigold
Influencer Marketing
Rumor: LinkedIn creators to share ad data
Source: Social Media Today

This is solidly in the Rumor category. A Twitter user, Matt Navarra, apparently overheard a conversation:

Overheard: LinkedIn working on shared analytics feature for companies / creators

LinkedIn users would be able to share page/post analytics with a client for a campaign


When asked the Twitter user did not answer where or when it was overheard. Regardless, it highlights the use of LinkedIn for thought leaders. HCP marketers could cultivate activities like this on the platform, especially with the semi-recent addition of branded HCP materials.

Image adapted for email from Social Media Today source

Read the full story from Social Media Today
AI in Health
Seven stories of AI from an HCP perspective
Source: Healthcare Economics

Medical Economics has put out an issue filled with AI insights. Most of the content is opinion and thought leadership, which is fine but doesn't make for informative charts for the Wire. Fair play, however, compels us to highlight that we found the Tebra study (featured earlier) in this issue.

The seven main stories are:


ChatGPT explained


AI voice assistants


Perspectives on AI


Embracing AI


Automated medical coding


3 ways AI will improve care


Simulating patient interactions


Grab a copy of the PDF to get the whole story.

Read the full story from Healthcare Economics
Amazon Prime for healthcare
Source: TechCrunch

If we doubted the consumerization of healthcare (which no one did, by the way) those doubts are being put to rest by this announcement from Amazon. 

Prime Day 2023, the annual frenzy of disappointment wherein Prime subscribers look for something more than 25% off (harsh, but accurate -Ed.) is July 11-12 this year. Included in the deals is apparently a subscription to One Medical, which gets a 28% reduction from $199 to $144 for the annual plan. 

Amazon revealed Thursday a preview of new deals that will be offered next week during its annual Prime Day event, including an exclusive healthcare deal through One Medical, the primary care tech provider that the e-commerce giant acquired earlier this year. This is the first time that Amazon has added discounted healthcare to its selection of Prime Day deals.


Read the full story from TechCrunch
Top pharma and medtech brands ranked
Source: Brand Finance

Here's a tough story to cover when your policy isn't to mention companies or their brands... Brand Finance has released their Healthcare 2023 ranking for pharma and medical devices.

Luckily they also included providers, and we have no qualms about talking about those (waiting for the call from business development now -Ed.).

If you want to see a chart like this, and much more data, for pharma and medtech check out the source link. The full report is paid only but the teaser has a ton of interesting information for corporate reputation managers. 

Image adapted for email from Brand Finance source

Read the full story from Brand Finance
25% of Twitter users looking to bail
Source: Statista

Threads will almost certainly accelerate this behavior.

Image adapted for email from Statista source

Read the full story from Statista
FDA Roundup
Stories from and about the FDA
kw-bullet The FDA is quiet about digital... The FTC has something to say though.
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