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Issue 589
November 13
Telehealth top app type for 45+
Source: has a new report out on the State of Mobile Retail which is interesting in its own right but also contains some more general data Wire readers may find interesting.

45+ Use Telehealth

The demographics in this report skew younger. Maybe not Logan's Run level but the groupings end at 45+. This group over-indexes on telehealth and groceries. 

Image adapted for email from source
Mobile Time High and Still Growing

It's hard to believe but we haven't reached saturation in mobile time yet. Three countries in this chart grew more than 60% between 2019 and 2022 (Saudi Arabia, Australia, and Singapore).

Image adapted for email from source
Mobile Media Spend CAGR 18.5%

Growth in media spend from 2018 to 2023 (forecast) isn't linear but it's a healthy 18.5% across those six years and has more than doubled overall.

Image adapted for email from source

Marketers interested in retail, including retail media, will get something from this report. Everyone else already has the main points. 

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ESG Issues
Healthcare dominates ESG issues
Source: Amazon

Amazon put out a report on advertising in the current environment titled "2023 Higher Impact: The power of purpose-driven brands."

We looked at the topics that matter to different generations and charted them so you don't have to (one, don't talk to the audience, and two, no-one was going to do that -Ed.).

Image adapted for email from Amazon source



Gen Z cares about very different things than the other demos


Healthcare is by far the most important topic


Only Boomers care about the environment? Seriously?


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Market Research
Calling pharma marketers: Have your say!
Source: DHC Group

Klick is working with The DHC Group on their survey of pharmaceutical marketers on key trends and topics for 2024. 

Survey respondents will be provided an advance copy of a report on the results, as well as an invitation to an exclusive webinar analyzing the top trends.

As a teaser, here are the topics of interest from the 2023 report sorted by how much they grew from 2022.

Image adapted for email from DHC Group source

The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Do it now to get your advance copy and exclusive webinar!

Note: this version of the survey is for pharma marketers only. Agency folks will get their own survey "soon."


Read the full story from DHC Group
Star Trek communicator hits the market
Source: Fast Company

Humane has come out of stealth mode with its AI Pin which for all intents and purposes is the communicator pin from Start Trek: The Next Generation (ST:TNG).

The pin combines a few features into one rather large device that pins to your clothing:


Smartphone: voice-activated with a camera and always-on connection, demoed in speakerphone mode but could probably use Bluetooth headset


Universal translator: an AI-driven two-way translation service is highlighted similar to existing technology such as iTranslate and others


Always-on body camera: there are many uses for a body camera, and we will see what Humane can come up with and how quickly they allow third-party apps (BeReal video anyone?)


Green monochrome hand-screen: the device incorporates a text interface on your hand and accepts finger gesture input


Food logging: not available at launch but is touted as being able to give nutrition advice by showing the device different foods (we'll see, smartphone algorithms aren't good at this yet)


The main issue is whether anyone wants to be talking out loud to interface with their device. We already have a taboo on this on smartphones so it's hard to believe that suddenly it will be socially acceptable. The Humane website shows the device being used on a crowded bus but that seems extremely unlikely.

Image adapted for email from Fast Company source

The text interface likewise looks like it may have issues. Notice the way it renders on a hand in perfect conditions compared to the photoshop render on the Humane website.

Image adapted for email from Fast Company source

Google Glass didn't work. Speakerphone mode on smartphones draws ire. The green text seems hard to read. Time will tell if this product has opened up a new niche.

Read the full story from Fast Company
Busy navigating the Martech maze?

Klick Health’s latest POV reveals how we prioritize real-world impact over mere martech adoption. Learn how to create a unified, actionable strategy to unlock true value from your marketing tech investments.

Cybersecurity standards adopted, full standards list analysis
Source: FDA

This caught our attention because a new cybersecurity standard was adopted by the FDA. It should be the third item in the link provided (however, HubSpot may strip out the URL codes, sorry). 

Naturally, when presented with data from the FDA we want to see if there are any interesting insights inside. First, we took a look at the types of standards. Surgery is first, of course, but software is now pretty high up on the list.

Chart created from data in FDA spreadsheet

The number of new standards adopted peaked in 2019 but has remained high. Likely, this will continue as the complexity of devices increases.

Chart created from data in FDA spreadsheet

Finally, the organizations responsible for these standards are the usual suspects (looking at you, ISO and ANSI). There are a lot more recognized faces here though and it shows the scale and scope of the FDA's standards work that they work with so many. Full chart (and Excel spreadsheet) available upon request.

Chart created from data in FDA spreadsheet

Read the full story from FDA
Marketers have it pretty good... mostly
Source: WestwoodOne

Marketers have it pretty good compared to the American worker, commuting in to work an average of four days a week compared to 4.9. We assume these marketers are also American, but the report is suspiciously silent on that point.

94% of Americans who commuted pre-pandemic are now returning least one day per week at the job site.

Image adapted for email from WestwoodOne source

Over a shorter period, April '22 to October '23 we see that marketers have been returning to the office more often as well, but averaged as four days.

Image adapted for email from WestwoodOne source

When we compare marketers directly with average Americans we see the biggest difference in the 5-day-a-week folks.

Image adapted for email from WestwoodOne source

A few of us, however, are working too much. The numbers for six and seven days a week are high for our profession although perhaps not that different than the general population.

Read the full story from WestwoodOne
YouTube adds AI to app on Android
Source: TechCrunch

YouTube is introducing two new generative AI features to the app on Android for testing. They are invite-only but interested users can go to

Explains YouTube, the conventional tool’s responses will be generated by large language models that draw on information from YouTube and the web and are designed to help viewers “dive in deeper” to the content they’re watching. For example, participants will be able to ask questions about the video they’re currently viewing or ask for other things to watch similar to the video using actions like “recommend related content.” These conversations with the AI will be able to take place as the video is streaming, so as not to interrupt playback.


It seems like there are two primary components:


Summary of the video that you can chat with


Summary of the comments and some forms of comment management


Read the full story from TechCrunch

Generative AI holds the potential to transform medicine, but naïvely expanding technology without thoughtful consideration can perpetuate outdated patient care methods. Check out Klick Health’s newest POV where we explore our ethical approach to AI innovation that keeps patients central. 

Generative AI
Do you Grok that?
Source: CNBC

"Grok" is a word from Robert A. Heinlein's science fiction novel A Stranger in a Strange Land. In the book, to grok is to empathize so deeply with others that you merge or blend with them and has been used in technology circles ever since to mean "understand."

Elon Musk has named his AI integration with Twitter "Grok." The beta is only available to users with the Premium or Premium Plus (that name always makes me think of crackers) tier subscription, not the Basic one.

This AI chatbot is designed to answer questions in the tone of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy i.e. irreverent and reminiscent of gonzo journalism (if you haven't read Douglas Adams' seminal work, you should).

Musk claims that Grok has better, more up-to-date information than other chatbots.

Image adapted for email from CNBC source

But this was quickly debunked by a follower.

Image adapted for email from CNBC source

The real question is whether this paid solution can bolster Twitter and put the platform on the road to being the "everything app" and earn it's name "X." OpenAI's ChatGPT with it's Plus subscription may point the way. That app is looking to $1 billion in revenue in 2024 according to some estimates.

Chart created from Business of Apps estimates

Read the full story from CNBC
Marketers follow the ad load
Source: eMarketer

A new chart from eMarketer shows that marketers may be underinvesting in YouTube. The Meta platforms (Facebook and Instagram mostly) are way out in front in terms of ad load and inventory—please don't change that Google (don't beg media companies, it's unbecoming -Ed.). 

Image adapted for email from eMarketer source

Advertisers shouldn't immediately make big changes. Instead test and learn. These social platforms allow for inexpensive, quick tests and marketers should work with their media folks to set that up.

Read the full story from eMarketer
Generative AI
GenAI error rates 3%-27%
Source: New York Times

A new company, Vectara, is looking to check the accuracy of generative AI and detect "hallucinations." They have so far found a spread of 3% to 27% in some of the most popular platforms.

Detected Errors in GenAI Platforms
Image adapted for email from New York Times source

We wish the researchers had tested Google Bard, it would have likely fared much better. It's impossible to check all questions for all GenAI tools so what the researchers did was ask the systems to summarize news articles.

“We gave the system 10 to 20 facts and asked for a summary of those facts,” said Amr Awadallah, the chief executive of Vectara and a former Google executive. “That the system can still introduce errors is a fundamental problem.”


So, should we stop using GenAI? No! Should we trust GenAI for facts we can't verify? Also No!

Read the full story from New York Times
Generative AI
UX designers need AI
Source: Nielsen Norman Group

An article from the user experience design firm Nielsen Norman Group was based on 40 responses to a LinkedIn post asking for input from the prompt:

🤖 Imagine you're talking to a UXer who has never used AI in their work. What advice, tools (sites, platforms, prompt templates), or tips would you share?


The article ended up with these main points:


Use AI as your sidekick and have it generate ideas and review yours


Use GenAI more if you are more experienced, and less if you are less experienced to avoid its errors


Humans must select and curate ideas generated by AI, a task best done by senior UX professionals


Be especially aware of potential bias in the GenAI data and advice


Start with ChatGPT and Midjourney (though this may be simply because they are the most popular AI tools)


Work on your ability to craft efficient and effective prompts and create a prompt library of things that have worked


Begin with small AI tasks, such as generating user personas or writing microcopy and gradually tackle medium-sized AI-based activities as skills and confidence grow


Start now, no one has all the answers in this nascent field so practice with the tools and get better over time


At Klick, the Experience Design (XD) team is always pushing the boundaries of how to make our work more effective and efficient. AI is changing how we approach both XD design and research projects by acting as a co-pilot to aid in ideation, solutioning, informing research methodologies, and summarizing qualitative findings. And it's only just beginning. —Michael Melnick, Klick Head of XD


Read the full story from Nielsen Norman Group
X (was Twitter)
Twitter down but not out
Source: Similarweb

Similarweb took a look at Twitter's traffic volumes one year after the Musk acquisition and they are down 14.0% on web globally and 17.8% on the app in the US.

Twitter App Traffic Down 17.8% in the US
Image adapted for email from Similarweb source
Down, But Not Out

Looking at worldwide monthly app traffic (Android only) the platform may be down but its ranking hasn't changed.

Image adapted for email from Similarweb source

This story is especially interesting in light of the addition of the Grok AI chatbot to the platform. If he can monetize the audience then even lower monthly users could be profitable though ad revenues would suffer even more.

Read the full story from Similarweb
Prime deals on Black Friday, and healthcare visits
Source: Washington Post

Amazon is now tying Prime memberships to it's new One Medical service. They aren't mandatory but One Medical membership is $99, down $100 from the regular price.  

While these services have so far grown slowly, marrying One Medical and Prime is a sign that Amazon is ready to open the health-care floodgates to its more than 200 million Prime members, some of whom already receive discounts on prescriptions through Amazon Pharmacy’s RxPass.


Read the full story from Washington Post
Americans see tipping in more places
Source: Pew Research

Pew Research has looked at Americans' views on tipping. They found that 72% see tipping coming to more places compared to five years ago.

Image adapted for email from Pew Research source

57% say 15% or less is an appropriate tip for an average meal. 

Image adapted for email from Pew Research source

Have you wondered what others think of tipping? Take a look to find out.

Read the full story from Pew Research
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